
Pre-assessment Interview

Parents and teachers meet with one of our clinician to discuss the assessment, sharing background information and concerns, before taking away forms to complete, to provide insights into the child’s functioning in a variety of settings.


Conducted over a minimum of three to four hours of one-to-one test administration, these are all fun, interactive and positive. Sometimes the evaluation can take longer.

Team Conference

Members of the assessment team discuss their impressions and the testing results, drawing on everyone’s areas of expertise, and utilizing our wider team of clinicians if necessary, to provide a comprehensive assessment.

The Report

Our reports provide a comprehensive picture of the child at the time of the assessment, including background information, observations from parents and teachers, specific test results, summary and conclusions, and recommendations for home and for school.


At our debriefing, the session may be with parents only or involve both parents and child. This is a choice that you can make before our feedback session. We will meet to present and explain the results in positive terms, with an emphasis on strengths. Parents will be provided with a full evaluation report plan for the child, including strategies to address problem areas, as well as how to continue to support areas of strength.


Our therapists are trained to provide psychotherapy service to help each child reach their full potential. Through one-on-one therapy and shared online resources, our therapists are in place to help children manage emotional and behavioral issues, build social skills and resilience, and plan and work effectively at home and at school.


Children & Adolescents Assessment

A neuropsychological evaluation assists in better understanding child’s functioning in areas such as memory, attention, perception, coordination, language, and personality. This information will help the parents, child’s teacher, therapists, and physician provide treatments and interventions for the child that will meet his or her unique needs.

We provide comprehensive psycho-educational evaluations for children and adolescents who may be struggling with educational, developmental and behavioral issues such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Executive Function Disorders, and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

The goal is to improve the quality of life of for children and teenagers who face developmental, behavioral, emotional, communication and educational difficulties.

We specialize in neuropsychological assessments for:

  • Intellectual Disability

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Attention Deficits

  • Cognitive Deficits

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

How does a pediatric neuropsychological evaluation differ from a school evaluation?

Pediatric neuropsychological evaluations will include some measures that are often administered by the school. However, the interpretation process is very different. School evaluations aim to determine if a child’s skills are on grade level. Neuropsychologists determine why a child may be struggling, by examining individual strengths and weaknesses and considering a child’s developmental and medical history. This may result in clinical diagnoses and specific treatment recommendations.

If my child has had a recent school evaluation, can they also have a neuropsychological evaluation?

Certain psychological tests cannot be administered within the span of a calendar year due to practice effects. However, this does not preclude a second evaluation as there are other measures available. Also, if your child has had a recent psychoeducational evaluation, then a consultation or targeted evaluation may be more effective. Please let us know if your child has had recent testing and we can discuss the best path forward.

Information is based on materials developed by the Public Interest Advisory Committee, Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology), American Psychological Association

ASD assessments include a comprehensive, in-depth parent interview, review of forms completed by teachers as well as developmental and/or neuropsychological testing, and, when necessary, the administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). 

We provide comprehensive reports that describe the ASD diagnosis, describe your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses, and describe the unique impact of ASD on your child’s ability to function in school. We advocate for your best interests plus include individualized and comprehensive medical, academic, emotional, social, behavioral and adaptive functioning recommendations plus community resources specific to you and/or your family. 

Our team specializes in assessing relevant areas of thinking such as language, IQ, attention, problem-solving, and motor development to facilitate the right treatment and IEP plans/school resources for your child. We specialize in assessing relevant areas of learning such as math, reading, and written expression to detect whether your child has a learning disability in addition to autism, which facilitates academic interventions and better school outcomes.


Autism Diagnostic Evaluation


Adult & Geriatric Evaluation

Weekly Individual Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Sessions:

Geriatric Neuropsychological Evaluations identify a patient’s capacity for independent living, driving, and returning to school or work.  In children, neuropsychological testing is helpful in diagnosing developmental disorders, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders.  We provide brief, comprehensive memory and cognitive assessment and treatment recommendations for known or suspected neurologic or neuropsychiatric disorders, such as memory disorders, dementia, traumatic brain injury, stroke, brain tumors, and neurocognitive and behavioral impairments resulting from physical illness.  We also help differentiate between memory disorder and other issues that can mimic dementia, like medication effects or emotional factors.

These types of evaluations can:

  • Assist treatment providers in making decisions about what level of housing a resident might require

  • Guide activity planning

  • Provide information to help referring providers and families understand patient’s status

Neuropsychological evaluation can also be used to monitor a patient’s functioning so that any improvement or decline is quickly identified and used to make changes to patient care.

We specialize in neuropsychological assessments for:

  • Movement Disorders

  • Memory Impairment

  • Seizure Disorders

  • Substance/Alcohol Abuse

  • Stroke

  • Dementia

Information is based on the materials developed by the Public Interest Advisory Committee, Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology), American Psychological Association


  • Diagnostic clarification

  • Differentiation between multiple coexisting psychological disorders


  • Distinguish the psychological contributions that may confound accurate diagnosis and treatment

  • Help diagnose and clarify concerns regarding:

    • Behavior

    • Personality traits

    • Mood

    • Emotional functioning

When is it helpful

  • When there is a limited or no response to medical treatment and a clarification of diagnosis is needed

  • When there are problems in interpersonal relationships, especially when these issues are significantly impacting an individual's functioning

  • When there is a history or current problem with self-harm or suicidal ideation

  • When there is a history of trauma (especially long-term exposure) and there are concerns that current symptoms may be partially attributed to these experiences

What to expect

  • Gathering of all relevant history, background information, and current symptoms

  • Comprehensive evaluation

  • Feedback session to review the report and answer questions


Psychodiagnostic Assessments


Surrogates & Donors


Our work focuses on helping women, who chose to be a surrogate, before, during and after the pregnancy. Our experience allows us to be thoughtful in our approach, diligent and professional as well as respectful of the unique relationships we share with our clients. We work together with reproductive and fertility physicians, adoption agencies, donor and surrogacy clinics and individual donors, surrogates and intended parents, in both individual and couples’ format to provide with prenatal, perinatal and postpartum support.

Surrogate Psychological Assessments


  • Determining if client is mentally able to perform as a surrogate

  • Discuss understanding and feelings about the process as well as issues involved in being a donor, surrogate or gestational carrier.


  • Help diagnose and clarify concerns regarding:

    • Behavior

    • Personality traits

    • Mood

    • Emotional functioning

  • Determine your resolve and readiness to proceed with the process

What to expect

  • Gathering of all relevant history, background information, and current symptoms

  • Comprehensive evaluation

In order to provide the best possible care for their patients, many physicians are requesting that Pre-Treatment or Pre-Surgical Evaluations be conducted prior to medical treatment.

These evaluations may be used to determine readiness for treatment or surgery; one’s understanding of what is involved in the procedure; prior and current mental health; willingness to modify behaviors; one’s ability to adopt a new, often healthier, lifestyle; and finally, one’s ability to cope with the consequences of the recommended medical intervention.

We take a collaborative approach to working with assessment clients. We work together to develop goals for testing and to identify the questions that need to be answered. We continue to work with you throughout the assessment to reach your goals.

Afterwards, if necessary, we meet with you to review the test results, help you relate them to your original goals and questions for the assessment, assist you in identifying the next steps forward, and provide you with a written report.


Pre-Operative Bariatric Surgery Psychological Evaluation


Нейропсихологическое Обследование

Нейропсихологическое обследование позволяет получить полную информацию о состоянии памяти и включает в себя оценку уровня внимания и ориентирование в пространстве, речь пациента, и способность к выработке суждений.

Подготовка к нейропсихологическому обследованию начинается с предварительной беседы. Ма рекомендуем присутствие кого-нибудь из членов семьи, так как желательно,чтобы информацией обладал и близкий пациенту человек, который, в случае необходимости, сможет оказать поддержку.

Обследование проводится в отдельной комнате и занимает около трех часов. в отдельных случаях для получения эффективного результата может понадобиться больше времени.

Результаты, полученные по итогам обследования дают возможность постановки точного диагноза. Пациенту предоставляется полная информация о течении его болезни и дальнейшего ее развития. В случае выявленной необходимости разрабатывается план лечения и дальнейшей реабилитации.